Marine Corps League - LCpl Deane Detachment #770
P.O. Box 711Mt. Airy, MD 21771
Serving Mt. Airy, MD and the surrounding areas
The League is made up of Marines, and FMF Navy Corpsmen, who have organized for the purpose of helping both the Corps and the community. We participate in programs such as Marines Helping Marines, Toys for Tots, Honor Guard functions, College Scholarships
The Marine Corps League is looking for a few good men and women. This time, we are not looking for someone to deploy around the would or to go into combat. We are looking for Marines who still have the spirit and would like to share the spirit with other Marines. We are the Marine Corps League. I would like to invite you to a meeting or other gathering of members to give you an introduction to the L/Cpl. Robert W. Deane Detachment #770 and a sense of who we are and what we do. The Deane detachment meets the third Monday of every month at 7:30pm. The League is made up of Marines and FMF Navy Corpsmen, who have organized for the purpose of helping both the Corps and the community. We participate in programs such as Marines Helping Marines, Toys for Tots, Honor Guard functions, College Scholarships and other benevolent activities. We also participate in FELLOWSHIP. For example, some members gather for an informal breakfast every Thursday at a local restaurant for a Member's Morning Out. What is better than a group of Marines getting together and swapping Sea Stories? For additional information and/or making contact arrangements, please contact me at 301-253-6096 or at Semper Fi, Clark Beall, Commandant
Our detachment meets the third Monday of every month at 7:30pm at the VFW in Mt. Airy. For additional information and/or making contact arrangements, please contact me at 301-253-6096 or at
Semper Fi, Clark Beall, Senior Vice Commandant